On Hold
In a soul-destroying call centre, a group of twenty-somethings band together, to share the struggles - and the victories - of getting by in modern Britain.
In one of Glasgow's identi-kit call centres; Colin, Laura, Barry and Alice try to make sense of life making ends meet in the service industry. They play out their dreams, affairs, passions and dramas amidst the backdrop of grim offices and a soundtrack of beeps and interminable chatting. They look to sex, drugs, poetry and promotions for a sense of meaning but instead find their lives indefinitely On Hold.
Globe Mobile's contact centre operations are being outsourced. Employees have two months to decide whether to take the (paltry) redundancy and make their way in the world or cling onto a diminishing job in a volatile labour market. A group of disparate friends, formed through necessity as much as kinship, start to spin out of control in the face of declining options and impossible decisions.
Originally written as a short play for The Tron Theatre’s Progressive Playwright season in 2014. Adapted into half-hour TV pilot spec script, subsequently optioned and in development with The Comedy Unit.